Sunday, September 24, 2023

Merciful Kindness and Enduring Truth - Part 2

 Temple Baptist Church - 9-24-2023

Psalm 117



 A.  Last week, we looked at “Merciful Kindness.”


1.  Merciful in that we do not get:


a)   What we deserved (past tense).  There were a lot of things in my past that I choose not to talk about, but I thank God every day because my sins are gone!


b)  What we deserve (present tense).  God’s mercies are new every morning and as we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


c)  What we will deserve (future tense).  God’s mercy follows us all the days of our lives according to Psalm 23:6.  His compassions, they fail not!


2.  Kindness is the manner in which God gives mercy.  He does it in a loving, gentle fashion. 


a)  As a Father to His son.  He is not harsh with His children but as a father pitieth his child, God the Father has pity upon His children.


b)  As a Shepherd with His sheep.  He left the 99 in the fold and found that which was lost, put it upon His shoulder, and carried it back to the fold.


B.  Tonight I want to look at two phrases, “the truth of the Lord” and “that endureth for ever.”


C.  Live in days of:


1.   “purported truth” – something that is told as truth that may or may not be truth.  Purported: alleged, claimed, reported, or implied. 


2 Timothy 3:13  But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.  (Two types found here:  a)  Those who are deceiving (intent) and b)  Those who are being deceived.)


a)  We live in the days of theories that are put forth as truth.  A theory is an unproved hypothesis or an assumption.  Their theories continue to evolve or change because true science or knowledge continues to expose their error. 


b)  The perfect example of this is the “science falsely so called” mentioned in 1 Timothy 6:20.  Two thousand years ago, things were called science (knowledge) which were not correct.


1 Timothy 6:20  O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:


c)  We are continually bombarded by scientists (so-called). 


1)  Scientist - a person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences: "a research scientist" They thrust their evolutionary principles upon us as facts and not the theories that they are. 


2)  I just on the news that they have found a molecule that shows the possibility of life on a planet 220 light years away (720 trillion miles).  A molecule carried by a light beam!  Right?


2.  Perceived Truth.  Something sensed, or seemingly felt. 


a.  Because someone thinks something is true does not mean that what is believed is right.  People once believed that the world was flat, and some that Atlas held it upon his shoulders. 


b.  In the religious world, there are people who ignore clear, concise Scripture while twisting what Bible they use and think that they are right.  Just because someone thinks  they are right does not make them right.  They read the Word of God and then speak contrary to it.  Perceived truth can be self-deception which is the worst deception.


c.  Never tell the Bible what to say, just read what it says!


3.  Here in verse 2, we find Perpetual Truth.  If something is true, will always be true.  Truth never changes.


a.  The promise of Truth.  “The truth” God’s truth is based upon His omniscience and veracity.  God is always right!


b.  The Person of Truth.  “of the LORD”  Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life!”  God has truth because God is Truth.


c.  The Perpetuality of Truth.  “endureth for ever”


Conclusion:  The promise of the LORD’s enduring truth is found in our text.  Though attacked throughout the millenniums, God’s Truth has and will continue to prevail.


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