Sunday, May 22, 2022

The Blessed Man

 Temple Baptist Church - 5-22-2022

Psalms 1




A.  It is interesting that the first Psalm pronounces both a blessing (the Righteous) and a cursing (the Rebellious).  As we read the admonitions found in this Book, it shows us the way of happiness in the Lord as well as the wrath of God upon the wicked who refuse to repent and turn to Him.


1.  The Righteous will Flourish.  I will deal with this first part as I am preaching to God's people, not the unrighteous!


2.  But, The Rebellious will Fall.  Verses 4-6.  The ungodly are not so!!!  They will not be blessed; they will be driven; they will not be happy; they will be judged; and their way will perish!


B.  It begins with the word “blessed.”  Many will substitute the word “happy” in the place of “blessed” but I believe that it is a cardinal mistake.  Though both “blessed” and “happy” come from the same root word (which means to be straight, to be level, to go forward, to be honest, to prosper, happy), the words are a little different in their meanings within the context.


C.  "Blessed" is found 302x in the Bible while "happy" (in one form or another) is only found 28x in your Bible.  This vast difference in usage is by design. 


1.  To be happy is a manner of disposition.  It always means happiness or to be extremely glad in your circumstances.  Everyone wants to be happy, but we are not always so for life is hard at times and we wish things to be different.


2.  To be blessed is a word that pertains to our personal welfare.  You can be unhappy and still be blessed.  Do you see what I mean?  In the worst of circumstances, you can be unhappy but still be blessed.  That is what 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”  Not to be thankful for cancer, death, or sinfulness but to be thankful that you are saved, God is meeting your needs, etc. during these hard times.


D.  People substitute “love” for “charity” in 1 Corinthians 13 which is also detrimental to proper Bible interpretation as “charity” is a specific type of love while “love” is an umbrella that covers all love.


E.  Psalm 1 tells us how to be “blessed,” not “happy.”  I am glad that the things in this Psalm will ultimately (and sometimes instantly) make you happy, but they will ALWAYS make you blessed.


F.  Throughout the Book of Psalms, we find contrasts between good and evil, happy times and hard times, times of victory and times of defeat for God's people.  In Psalms, chapter one, we find blessing and cursing.  I want to use a New Testament verse that helps to explain verse 1.


1 Corinthians 15:33  Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.



1.  The Conditions Of God’s Blessings.  In verse 1, we find a negative progression: walking, standing, and sitting.  If you walk with the world, you will stand with the world, and will ultimately sit with the world!


a.  The Blessed Man Finds His Counsel In God’s Word, Not The World – “walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly”  This means to both listen and agree with the counsel of the world.  Their counsel is anti-God.  “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”


b.  The Blessed Man Finds His Pleasure In The Things Of God – “standeth in the way of sinners”  As the wages of sin is still death, the way of sinfulness brings about the certain judgment of God.  “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”


c.  The Blessed Man Finds His Fellowship With The People Of God – “nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful”  Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.  The world scorns (to have in derision) the things of God.  They mock you if you serve God and will make you mock those who serve the Lord if you run with them.  “Evil communications corrupt good manners!”


d.  The Blessed Man Finds His Delight In The Law Of The Lord – “But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.”  Proverbs 19:23 says, “The fear of the LORD tendeth to life: and he that hath it shall abide satisfied; he shall not be visited with evil.”  We will have problems but God will deliver us out of them all!


2.  The Characteristics Of God’s Blessed.


a.  God’s Blessed Are Prominent - “he shall be like a tree”  God’s people will “stand out” and “stand above” the world!  “They took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.” The world may not like you but they will recognize you and most of the world will respect you.


b.  God’s Blessed Are Planted – “planted by the rivers of water”  The child of God will be vibrant, lively, and lovely during the most horrible spiritual droughts!  They will have a constant, unending source of both life and strength.


c.  God’s Blessed Are Productive – “that bringeth forth his fruit in his season”  The child of God will produce godly fruit that will be both observed and beneficial to others.  You never know who is watching your life but you do know who you want to follow in your footsteps!  “If my kids follow me they will be drug free” is a familiar bumper sticker.  If my kids follow me, they will follow the Lord!


d.  God’s Blessed Are Perpetual – “is leaf also shall not wither”  One of the greatest of spiritual assets is that of predictability!  When the world not only recognizes a life of godliness in the believer but expects to see it every time they come around.  Not shocked that our lives have changed but expectant of our spiritual consistency.


e.  God’s Blessed Are Prosperous – “whatsoever he doeth shall prosper”  The believer will be successful in both his public and personal life.  That does not mean that we will have no problems but it does mean that we shall come through them victoriously!  We can overcome hardship with the help of an ever present, all powerful, and graciously loving God at our side.

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