Sunday, March 20, 2022

A Pastor’s Joy

 Temple Baptist Church - 3-20-22 Homecoming Service

3 John 1-4




A.  35 years in this pulpit have been both a privilege and a joy.  Where have the years gone?  Truly it has been like a vapor that has vanished away; faster than a weaver's shuttle the time has passed. 


B.  I remember the first day that my family was here like it was yesterday.  How the church looked that Sunday morning; the people that were here that first day; what I taught and preached from this pulpit.  Wonderful memories.


C.  Every time I turn on Easy Street, I remember following Bro. Harold and Mrs. Joan to their home.  As I turn on Lisbon Road, I can still see the tall pines that lined the road.  Bro. Carroll and Mrs. Iris went to get Kentucky Fried Chicken for lunch.  I remember sitting on the couch and enjoying the afternoon with these families. 


D.  I remember the first time Tommy Holbrooks came for a revival.  We went shopping for a sound system for the church.  That was the first of almost 30 years of Tommy's coming to Temple.  I remember Bro. Jimmie Clark coming year after year and, later, Bro. Frank Pittman.  What a blessing it was to pastor such a special church.


E.  I look around this morning, and much of the "scenery" has changed over the years, but the church remains the same.  Special people sitting on special pews in a special church.  I am thrilled this morning for being allowed to stand in this special pulpit where so many special men of God have stood.


F.  I think back over the years of all the missionary families that have impacted our lives and how man missionary families have been impacted by Temple Baptist Church.  This small church and these special people are known around the world today because of its mission outreach.  Millions of dollars well spent sharing the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ to the four corners of the earth.


G. It is special to find a church still standing in the same Old Paths that it walked in so many years ago.  Temple Baptist Church is "an anchor in the shifting sands" of religion.  They have left us, we did not leave them.  They changed, we did not.


H.  It is a special church that allows a man of God the opportunity to see them, their children, their grandchildren, and now their great grandchildren.  That is out of the ordinary in our day.


J.  Paul, when writing to the church at Thessalonica, said this: "For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?  (20)  For ye are our glory and joy." (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20)


K.  It has also been a bitter-sweet experience,


1.  To see many who helped to make this church what it is today who have gone home to be with the Lord.  I sure miss our brothers and sisters in Christ who died but will one day soon be forever with them.


2.  But also, it has been a joy to see those who came and picked up the sword of the Word of God and continued to walk in their paths. 


L.  What is a pastor's joy?


1.  The Joy of sweet Fellowship with God’s People.  What a joy to be here today with this special people! 


2.  The Joy of Encouraging God’s People.  In thick and in thin.  Just the joy of being there with you in the hard times as well as the good times.


The Joy of Bearing The Burdens of God’s People.  Praying for one another through tough times for you and also for this pastor's family. 


4.  The Joy Of Having A Part of Your Lives.  Barbara and I care about your families.  Watching as your children grow up while being exposed to old fashioned church.


5.  The Joy of Seeing God’s People Unified.  Unfortunately, there have been times when old "Slew Foot" tried to get his foot in the door, but we stood together in those times and God has rewarded us for it.  You did not leave and neither did I.  We are Temple and we are one!


6.  The Joy of Standing And Walking in The Old Paths.  Because of this, we have been called a lot of things.  Because of this, I have been called a lot of things, but one thing that we have not been called is "liberal."  The Bible calls it "the good way!"


Jeremiah 6:16  Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.




7.  Joy of Giving Account For God’s Faithful People.  Temple, you have done well! 


Hebrews 13:17  Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.


Conclusion:  May God keep us in His will in these last days and allow us to continue to do something for the glory of God and for the souls of a lost world!

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