Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Aged Women

Temple Baptist Church - 1-4-2015
Titus 2:3-5
A.  To lay a proper foundation for tonight’s message, we need to reiterate a couple of things.
1.  Paul begins this chapter with the importance of maintaining sound doctrine but God’s Word takes a usual turn at this point.  We normally classify sound doctrine as being major doctrines such as the virgin birth, the blood, the resurrection, God’s Word, etc., but we are now reminded that the entire bible is sound doctrine!
2.  We dealt with the older men in the church and now, in verse 3, we find the word “likewise.”  When giving order to Titus concerning the responsibilities of individual classes of people within the local church, he places equal responsibility on both men and women.
3.  I may spend a little more time with the ladies of the church because of the amount of information given in these verses.  Only one verse was given to the aged men.  That does not mean that they are more spiritual because they aren’t.  I believe that the Holy Ghost emphases’ the importance of the woman here. 
4.  Men need a “completer,” not the women.  The men are to be in authority in the home, church, and nation.  I am not here to argue the point but to make a biblical observation.  Most preachers get in trouble here because what the bible says is not politically correct in our day.
5.  The key to its importance is the last phrase “That the word of God be not blasphemed.” 
B.  Godly women become sound doctrine in the local church according to the context! 
1.  When the ladies take unscriptural roles in the local church, it cannot spiritually prosper!  I want to open this portion of scripture by saying that we have a wonderful bunch of ladies at Temple Baptist Church.  I can never over emphasize the important role that women have in the church. 
2.  The role of the woman is not in the areas of leadership such as pastor, deacon, or evangelist!  In chapters 2-3 of 1 Timothy, Paul—through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost—makes it perfectly, biblically clear that there is no such thing as a God called woman pastor or deacon!  1 Timothy is one of the Pastoral Epistles written to young pastors to set forth the will of God in the authority and running of the local church.  Churches with women preachers and deacons must be willfully ignorant to ignore the clear commandments concerning the call and qualifications for these offices.
1 Timothy 2:11-3:2  Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.  (12)  But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.  (13)  For Adam was first formed, then Eve.  (14)  And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.  (15)  Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.  (3:1)  This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.  (2)  A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
C.  We live in the last days with few godly, biblically obedient women to be found.  The woman with a meek and quiet spirit is a rarity!  Most homes are run by the wives instead of the husbands.  Most churches are in the same condition.  The problem is three-fold:  a lack of biblical salvation, a lack of biblical teaching, or a lack of biblical obedience!  Let us take a look at the character of the biblical, aged woman along with her responsibilities.
D.  The aged women (notice the bible did not say “old women”):
1.  The aged women are to behave in such a way as becometh holiness – vs 3.  I used to hear men and women speak of their mothers and grandmothers praying and reading the bible.  I have heard of more than one testimony from a preacher telling of how, when he was still living in sin, he would come home and hear his mother praying for him.  Not many children in our day ever know of moms or dads praying and reading the bible.
2.  The aged women are not to slander through gossip – vs 3.  There used to be an old saying, “Telephone, telegraph, and tell a woman!”  Not that men do not gossip because I still go to a barber shop to get my hair cut.  Dear Lord, give us some precious ladies who know the value of keeping things to themselves.
3.  The aged women are not to “given” to much wine or to be enslaved to banqueting or pleasure – vs 3.  The Proverbs 31 woman is characterized by putting her family first and hard work.  I am not against a lady having a good time but, if she has a family and home to care for, she has her hands full.
4.  The aged women are to be “teachers of good things.”  In order to be able to teach, one must first have learned!  Many of the women of our day have not been raised to take care of a husband, children, and the home.  The next couple of verses deal with the teaching of “good things.”
E.  Here are a few of the “good things” that need to be a priority in such teaching.
1.  Older ladies, teach your girls to be “sober.”  Notice that the first thing God command the man to do was be sober.  It is the first thing that an older woman is to teach the younger.  I want out young ladies to have a good time but life is hard, not a game to be played.  Sober means to keep your eyes open and vigilant because your chastity, husband, and family is under attack.
2.  Older ladies, teach your girls to “love their husbands.”  As the man is commanded to love his wife, the young ladies need to learn to love their husbands.  I believe that an over emphasis has been placed on the physical aspect of marriage (and this is a very important of the marriage relationship).  To love someone is to give oneself to them completely.  God said that the woman’s desire was to be unto her husband.  Other than the Lord, the husband is to be the most important person in your life!  Take care of him!
3.  Older ladies, teach your girls to “love their children.”  One would think this to be a natural thing but it is not.  It must be taught!  Too many women love their children wrong by giving them an improper place in the home.  They love their children more than they do their husbands.  They fail to correct and properly teach their children about salvation and life.
4.  Older ladies, teach your girls to be “discreet.”  “Discreet” means not like to be seen or noticed.  Too many pastor’s wives are always in the forefront.  I thank God for my wife who is a “background” person.  Discreet also carries the meaning of being safe.  If you are not in front, you are probably not going to be shot!
5.  Older ladies, teach your girls to be “chaste.”  “Chaste” is an unusual word.  It means to be pure and clean but it also means to be innocent.  A lack of knowledge of evil.  A young lady can be a virgin and yet impure in so many ways.
6.  Older ladies, teach your girls to be “keepers at home.”  I know, in the age of the working woman, this is not popular so I want to do something out of the norm for me.  “Keepers at home” is one word in the underlying Greek.  I am not trying to impress because “keepers at home” should be obvious in the English also.  It means to be “a stayer at home” or to be “domestically inclined.”
7.  Older ladies, teach your girls to be “good.”  And, no this does not come naturally to either boys or girls.  Clean, pure, sweet, valuable, virtuous, etc.  Nothing any sweeter than a good young lady!
8.  Older ladies, teach your girls to be “obedient to their own husbands.”  Understand, at this point, that ladies are to obey God first in all things but do not let that become an excuse for disobedience.  I still put the words “to obey” in the marriage vows.  This is God speaking, not this preacher.  We live in days of independent, unruly women.  They are out of order. Ephesians 5:22, 24  Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord … Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
Conclusion:  Ladies, your role in the home and the church is more important than you think.  To disobey these verse is to give occasion for other is speak evil against God’s Word.


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