Temple Baptist Church - 9-15-2024
Psalm 72
A. This Psalm is both Davidic and Messianic.
1. Davidic.
a) King David is writing the Psalm to advise his son, Solomon, (verse 1 – “A Psalm for Solomon”) concerning reigning in a godly, righteous manner.
b) It is also the last of the recorded prayers of David (verse 20 – “The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended”) as he prays to God to advise and help Solomon in his reign.
2. Messianic. Its prophecy concerns Christ Jesus sitting upon the Throne of His father David, ruling and reigning for one thousand years during the Millennium.
B. This last prayer also corresponds to the last words of David in which he said, under inspiration of the Holy Ghost:
2 Peter 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
2 Samuel 23:1-3 Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel, said, (2) The Spirit of the LORD spake by me, and his word was in my tongue. (3) The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.
1. This type of ruling was not meant to be a rarity; it was meant to be the standard by which kings ruled. In my lifetime, nor in history going back to Solomon’s day, have there been many such a political candidate or President!
2. This, in itself, should tell us how far from God earthly government has gotten.
C. This prayer to God contains both intercession spiritual advice as it is a father speaking to his son and teaching him how to reign righteously. King David is teaching young Solomon that God blesses the King who is just and fears the Lord.
D. He will not only please God but will also please those whom he rules! Everyone hates a dictator.
E. Now, let’s take a look at the Psalm and its various parts:
F. Verse 1: The direction and purpose of the prayer.
1. King David asking God to give him the Judgments. Judgments are the end results of both obedience and disobedience.
2. King David asking God to give to his son, Solomon, Righteousness.
3. King David will teach his son Judgments, and a Righteous son will rule righteously.
G. Verses 2-5. The Results of Ruling in Rightness brings forth promises from God:
1. Under a godly king there will be Justice. Verse 2. Liberty and Justice for all. Our liberty is in Law; therefore, law must be rightly applied! Thy people and Thy poor.
We struggle in our day because of a lack of justice. Prisons are full because there is no recompense nor repatriation. Because prisons and jails are full, law breakers are being allowed to go free to break the law again.
2. Under a godly king there will be Equity. Verses 2,4. Justice must be blind. When Lady Justice is peeking out from behind her blindfold, the law is used unlawfully. Rich or poor, Big or little, Now and Future.
There are several different sets of treatment: one for the elite, one for the common laborer, and one for the poor. We all have had a taste of that are tired it.
3. Under a godly king there will be Peace. Verse 3. When law is properly interpreted and enforced, it brings forth peace instead of lawlessness.
There is very little peace nowadays as things are beginning to go badly and worries increasingly cause unrest.
4. Fear. Verse 4-5. Consistency brings forth Fear because no one escapes.
“No Fear” has been shown on clothing and has really been shown in the conduct of our people.
H. Verses 6-7. Blessings of Ruling in Righteousness:
1. Blessedness of the Land. Verse 6. When God’s rulers are right, God’s people are right, and God blesses all that they touch.
God will bless America, from border to border and sea to sea!
2. Blessedness of Plenty. Verse 7. God’s people flourish. They have no lack.
Happy people are productive people and productivity brings forth plenty.
3. Blessedness of the Future. Verse 7. Continued righteousness brings about continued blessing.
Our children and grandchildren will have a wonderful place to live and plenty too.
J. Verses 8-11. Respect of Ruling in Righteousness.
1. Respect from other Nations. Verse 8. Our friends will respect us. When God blesses America, the entire world is blessed.
2. Respect from Enemies. Verse 9. Our enemies will fear us. Enemies fear the nation united in truth and unity.
3. Respect from friendly Kings. Verse 10-11. The Queen of Sheba came to see Solomon’s glory.
K. Verses 12-14. Sharing of Ruling in Righteousness.
1. Living for those who are not able to help themselves. Verse 12-14. Bowels of mercy and righteousness go hand-in-hand. Welfare is not an end to be achieved, it is a helping hand for those who are struggling to live because of failing health or short-termed poverty.
2. The value of one makes for the value of all. Verse 14. Every person has the privilege of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. s
L. Verses 15-17. Remembering those Ruling in Righteousness.
1. The Longevity of those Ruling in Righteousness. Verse 15.
2. The Blessing of those Ruling in Righteousness. Verse 16. He will be blessed.
3. The Renown of those Ruling in Righteousness. Verse 17. He will be praised.
M. Verses 18-20. The Doxology. Thankfulness is a result of thoughtfulness.
1. Praising God for all that He does. Verse 18.
2. Praising God for all that He is. Verse 19.
3. Praising God for all that He will do. Verse 20
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