Sunday, January 8, 2023

The LORD Reigneth

 Temple Baptist Church - 1-8-2023

Psalm 99




A.  As we continue to move into the New Year, I want to continue to preach in such a way as to encourage the church.  I want us to face 2023 with faith, hope, encouragement, and thankfulness.


B.  I will continue to preach through the Psalms but will skip around some as of a late, the Psalms have had the same structure and message in the three divisions of the book.


C.  I want to look at this Psalm of Praise tonight because of the first three words, “The LORD reigneth.”  Again, I call your attention to the “eth” ending of the word “reign”.  This word expresses the truth of God’s sovereignty throughout the ages.  The LORD did reign, the LORD does reign, and the LORD will always reign.


D.  This Psalm reminds us that the LORD will be “LORD of all” in 2023.  No matter what comes; no matter what problems that we face; no matter what disappointments and discouragements that we endure; the LORD will be the LORD and He will continue to control all things.


E.  The last verse of the Psalm exhorts us to 1)  Exalt the LORD for He is our God and 2)  Worship the LORD for He is holy.


F.  “The LORD reigneth” speaks of His sovereignty, purpose, and power.  His sovereignty cannot be denied, His purpose cannot be hindered, and His power is unstoppable.


1.  Verse 1.  The LORD is sovereign in Heaven.  “He sitteth between the cheribums.”  He is LORD of heaven and, from there, controls His universe and all that is within it.


2.  Verse 2.  The LORD is sovereign in Israel.  “The LORD is great in Zion.”  God still loves His covenant people and will graft the natural branch back in one day.


3.  Verse 3.  The LORD is sovereign in His name.  “LORD.”  Self-existent and eternal.


4.  Verse 4.  The LORD is sovereign in His Judgment.  “thou executest judgment and righteousness in Jacob.”  The judgment of God will be a right judgment and a right reward.


5.  Verse 5.  The LORD is sovereign in Our Praise.  “Exalt ye the LORD our God.”  We worship the LORD and Him alone!


6.  Verse 6.  The LORD is sovereign in His Answers to Prayer.  “they called … He answered.”  When God answers our prayers, He will answer in a perfect way.


7.  Verse 7.  The LORD is sovereign in His Word.  “they kept His testimonies.”  You can trust your Bible in life, salvation, and death.


8.  Verse 8.  The LORD is sovereign in Forgiveness.  “thou wast a God that forgavest them.”  Oft times, we are slow to forgive but God is a God of forgiveness.  No matter what sin you have committed, failure that you have had, His ears are open to your cry and His arms are open to your embrace.


9.  The LORD is sovereign in in Holiness.  “for the LORD our God is holy.”  God will always do right!  God cannot and will not do wrong so His ways will be right ways.

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